Run Classifai from Uber Jar

This is a continuation of the previous section to run Classifai from the source repository.

Run Classifai from Uber Jar Guideline

Set up the graphic environment (Centos8 only)

Before login to CentOS, click the setting button beside the Login button and select Log in Standard (X11 display server) on Xorg.

Note: If using the default setting, users may face problems in launching the Classifai GUI with error can't connect to X11 window server with the selected display variable. So, users are advised to set the environment to support the X11 display server.

4.0 Go to classifai-uberjar subfolder

Step 6: Go to Terminal/Command Prompt, and navigate to the following folder using the command in the code block Windows

cd classifai-uberjar\target\

Linux(Centos, Ubuntu), Mac

For Linux, users are advised to switch to the root account first before using the command below

cd classifai/classifai-uberjar/target/

5.0 Run Jar file by using Java

Step 7: Run the following command to start Classifai. A welcome launcher will appear as shown in the figure below

java -jar classifai-uberjar-1.0.0-dev.jar --unlockdb

Reminder: Centos8 OS user might failed to open Classifai from Welcome Launcher. In that case, manually open firefox browser and go to http://localhost:9999.

If users face any problems in the process, contact Classifai developers through discord to seek assistance.

Last updated