Installation on Centos

Installation for CentOS 7

For CentOS 7, users have to install Classifai by using the terminal.

Using GUI is not recommended because the installation might not run successfully. Don't worry, the installation using the terminal will just take a few steps to complete.

Step 1: Download Classifai installer .rpm file compatible with CentOS 7 from the installation page


Step 2: Open the terminal and make sure the user account is the root account using the command below


Step 3: Go to the downloaded file location by command code

cd {installer_location}

Step 4: Type the following command code to install Classifai

 sudo rpm -i {package_file.rpm}

Step 5: Running Classifai on CentOS7 by double-clicking the Classifai Icon in the Applications

Installation for CentOS 8

These are 2 methods to install Classifai on CentOS 8. Users can choose either using Software Installer (GUI) or using the terminal.

Method 1: Installation using Software Installer (GUI)

Step 1: Download Classifai installer .rpm file compatible with CentOS 8 from the installation page.

Step 2: Double click on the installer. Click install and wait for the installation to complete.

Method 2: Installation using Terminal

Step 1: Before login to the centos account, make sure Centos supported X11 server. Users can click the setting icon and choose standard.

Step 2: Download Classifai installer .rpm file compatible with CentOS 8 from the installation page

Step 3: Open the terminal and make sure the user account is the root account using the command below


Step 4: Navigate to the downloaded path using the commands below

 cd {installer_location}

Step 5: Type the following command code to install Classifai

 sudo rpm -i {package_file.rpm}

Running of Classifai on CentOS8

First, click Activities and select Show All Applications to find the Classifai program

Run Classifai by double-clicking on the Classifai icon.


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